Did ya'll miss me? Well, it's been one big party around here. My scrapbook party on Saturday was SO much fun! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, but can you believe I did not take ONE picture? Shame on me. I think this is my fifth year to do this and I have yet to take a picture. We enjoyed ourselves so much that I am planning on doing it again next year (not next Christmas but literally next year, in a few months), why wait until the holidays to have so much fun and get together with a bunch of fun and creative ladies to talk about scrapbooking?! The double page spread is what we made for one of our fun projects. It uses last's years Basic Grey Christmas paper, Figgy Pudding. So as you can see I was able to use up some of my stash of Christmas paper with this project...I tend to save and hoard my Christmas paper, but figured if I start to use some of it up I can always buy more. Have you seen some of the lines out there now? I love the new Basic Grey Wassail line ( check out the December Personalscrapper kit it features this plus the FA LA LA LA line by Making Memories). My next fav is the Cosmo Cricket O JOY line. Also like the October Afternoon, American Crafts and My Mind's Eye lines. I guess you can say I am easy to please YUCK YUCK! These pics are from Christmas 2006, I hope to get a bunch of Christmas layouts done this weekend at the online Personalscrapper crop. My son is having a sleep over on this coming Saturday with his friends for his 11th birthday, so I will most likely be up all night, and I hope to get some cropping down, if I can hear myself think over all the boys laughing and playing! Catch you again soon, promise I won't wait a week to post again!
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