Another Croptoberfest layout completed today! This one completes the Fall tradition challenge for one of the 31 October challenges as well as week 16 of the 52 week challenges over at Personalscrapper! Every year for about 8 years now we have gone to Vala's Pumpkin Patch each fall, and I was stunned when looking back over last year's photos of how much my son has grown in just one short year! He is now pushing 6 feet! Wow! What a difference a year makes! I thought it was a fun layout to show the comparison next to the Vala's growth chart! Can't wait to see what next year will bring! This layout is based on a sketch by Valerie Salmon for her Got Sketch Express 2 class I just finished up! Valerie's classes are great, if you haven't taken one you should, in fact I think you can still sign up for Got Sketch Express 2 HERE! I will most likely be using the rest of the sketches in week's to come. All papers I used here are from Bella Blvd's One Fall Day line from last year. I loved that line, I think I can eek out another layout or two from the papers I have left, will be sad to see it go, these colors are awesome! Off to get some more scrappy time in before I have to go to bed, this layout I am working on now is just not coming together like I want...ARGHHHHH...hate it when that happens! I may just have to change gears if I can't get the mojo flowing soon and be back later in the week to share!