Sunday, December 27, 2009
Blog Candy Alert!
My friend Star is giving away some AWESOME blog candy on her blogo....and if that isn't enough, you have got to see THIS layout! It is SOOOO cute, love the colors, love the title, love EVERYTHING about it! She is an very talented scrapbooker and has provided me with tons of inspiration over the last year or two I have been following her. You won't be disappointed even if you don't win you will win with some great inspiring ideas to use in your own scrapbooking! When you stop by make sure and tell her Lisa sent you! Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas!

Can you believe that today it is actually SNOWING here in Texas????? Wow! This is the FIRST white Christmas we have seen since I have lived here! I am so excited and yet I am bummed about what I can wear tonight to church and yet keep warm! And just think it was 78 degrees yesterday! From summer to winter in 24 hours, wow! But even MORE exciting then the snow...my little baby boy turned 12 years old today! Happy Birthday Jakob! I can't believe he almost a TEENAGER! It was sure snowing on the day he was born 12 years ago, so we are in for a repeat performance this year as well. Here is a pic from his lunch with family today at Applebees, isn't he handsome? And here is one from the day he was born...a big difference huh? And to close, here are a few pics of our BIG snowstorm...I know those of you in other parts of the country don't think it looks like much, but for us it really is a big deal! LOL! I am off to wrap up a few of my last gifts, thank goodness I am done shopping and don't have to get out in this mess to finish up my shopping! Have a blessed Christmas Eve day everyone!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'm Still alive

What is it about this time of year that has me running in circles? I just can't seem to keep up! I love this time of the year, but yet I find myself busier than ever and unfortunately scrapbooking has taken a back seat to all my other activities at the moment. I am hoping to do some creating this weekend though, as I have finished my shopping, the angel tree gifts are delivered and my DS's birthday party is over, so now all I have to do is finish my Christmas cards, wrap my gifts and sit back and enjoy! YEAH! Here is how I spent yesterday evening, at my son's first band concert. The kids were surprisingly good for a first concert and to think just 4 months ago they hadn't ever played an instrument! I was so proud of him! I am almost done with my Christmas cards so check back soon for a sneak peek. Happy Hump Day!

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