Just popping in to share some exciting news with all my blogging buddies! I have just signed up as an idependent consultant for Thirty-One gifts! If you aren't familiar with Thirty-One you need to pop over to my new website and check out our catalog! There are some great specials coming up in July for customers and most especially for hostesses! If you see something you like you can order it direct from my website OR you can call me to order it for you...whatever strikes your fancy. If you are interested in hostessing an in home party or a catalog party you can earn lots of freebies for doing so at the time of your show and if you host in July you can even earn a $25, $50 or $75 gift certificate to use in the fall when the new catalog is released! WOW! Prices start as low as $5, so there is something for everyone! And to top it all off, I will be sweetening the pot by offering another freebie on top of this to anyone who books a show in July that is a follower of my blog- besides all the great goodies you get for being a hostess of at least a $200 show I will throw in a FREE MINI ORGANIZER which is great for organizing your scrapping supplies! I am also starting a new blog for my Thirty-One business, called Thirty One Gifts With Lisa, you won't want to miss out following me there as well! Can't wait to get together with you and plan a fun party for you and your friends!