What an awesome time we had yesterday at the Cowboys game! And even better, they won! Washington Redskins 6 and Dallas Cowboys 7...what a nail biter, we didn't even score until the last 2 minutes or so of the game. The new stadium is so awesome, everyone should at least go to ONE game there...I can't wait to hopefully go back again, that is if I can get so lucky as to get tickets again. The big screen (or should I say jumbo)is great, especially when the guy in front of you stands up the entire game like the guy in front of me did! LOL! You can see a picture above I took of it showing the entire stadium...the clarity of the pictures is just great. I am already working on my first page of the pics I took, so check back soon and I will share my layout with you. I hope to have it done by Thanksgiving day, so check back then. Off, to work, a busy day this week since it is a short work week...Happy Monday everyone!