Not sure which I like more, this sketch by Liz Chidester from The Scrappiest OR Basic Grey's Wander line...I guess its a toss up, both are pretty fantastic! I received these fun papers from my secret sister last fall Erica from Personalscrapper. I just love the colors in this line, perfect for any type of layout really. I complete this layout for one of the 52 week challenges over at Personalscrapper, the category for this challenge was MEMORIES. This picture was take of my Dad, brother and nephew on my nephew's first birthday this past January and is for his album that I am making him (slowly but surely, well, the first year will be finished by the time he's 10, so that' pretty good huh?) I love this picture, this little guy is the most photogenic baby I have ever seen, he is always smiling for the camera, unlike a 13 year old boy I know who shall remain nameless.....but his time is coming, he is due to featured on the old blogo here next week, cuz I'm currently working on a layout of him LOL! This sketch was so easy to use, and I really like the simplicity of it. I'm lagging behind though, cuz I think they are up to sketch 109 over at The Scrappiest, so hoping to play some catch up this weekend, but then again Becky did put up some really awesome sketches over at Page Maps this week too....choices, choices... well, off to play before bedtime, hope you can get sketchy soon too!

I love the Wander range...with its gorgeous woolies. I also used this line for my first Scrappiest DT work. You did beautifully Lisa.