Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Lifted Layout
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Another week, another sketch!
Here is my 52 sketches/52 weeks sketch for this week. This layout was based on sketch #7. I really like this sketch, it brought to mind MANY ideas when I first saw it, so I was excited to use it. In fact, I plan to use it on a few other pages as I had more than one idea for it. I just LOVE this photo of my nephew Ryan peeking into his gift on Christmas morning before we got together to open gifts. He just couldn't wait! I am so glad I had my camera handy! I am slowly scrapping my Christmas photos, but I may never get caught up at one photo at a time, so look for a double pager here in a few days as I am currently working on it and hope to have some time to finish it during the week. And I promise you it will have more than one photo! The paper for this layout is from the December 2007 Personalscrapper kit and is by Deja Views. I also used American Crafts letter stickers and thickers as well as chipboard from Scenic Route the Roxbury line. Well, I'm off to run the ice fishing booth at my son's school carnival...hope I can stay warm..hehehe...after all in Texas it nevers gets that cold! So maybe I should just hope that the ice doesn't melt and I fall in! LOL! Now there's a pretty sight, hope no one captures THAT on film!
Friday, February 20, 2009
More Scrappy Crop Goodness!
We have a busy weekend planned. My son has a carnival at his school, a basketball game and a basketball awards ceremony . I also hope to plan some layouts I hope to make when I get together with some girlfriends next weekend to crop. Happy scrapping!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Use your scraps!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Git 'R Done Wednesday and ROFL!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Use your stash Tuesday
This is the layout that I did for the circles and buttons challenge over at Personalscrapper for the online crop. I used sketch #6 from the 52 sketches/52 weeks site. I really enjoyed working with this sketch and plan to use it again and again as it is so easy to change up a bit to fit your needs. I also was able to dig into some of my old stash to complete this layout, including: EYELETS! Yes, folks I was eyelet crazed at some point and still have 1000's of them left...so I was able to use up quite a few here. The patterned papers are from MME's for the August 2007 Personascrapper kit, so it was about time to use these up. I also used a left over scrap of cardstock (the blue) that was just the perfect size for this sketch! I also used an old technique to me..I punched holes using my Crop-A-Dile at the bottom of the title block and then added a strip of red cardstock underneath to give some texture to my page. Try this sometime, it is easy and very eye catching! One other reason I like this sketch; it allowed me to use a LONG title, and not many sketches make that much room for the title, although I believe on the original sketch more room was given for journaling but for this layout I didn't have a whole lot of journaling so the long title was able to go in the space allowed for extra journaling. Hope you are having a spectacular week and get some time to use up some of your stash today! I have a really fun layout to share for Git R Done Wednesday but it is not my last 1/2 completed page. More on that page as its role as thorn in Lisa's side tomorrow!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!

And here is my first completed challenge out of the 16 we were given to complete at the Personalscrapper Valentine's Online Crop. This layout was done for the altered photo challenge. I used Picassa to edit the photo. I changed it to black and white, cropped it, and then used the GLOW feature to surround our hands with a glow. It looks much better in real life. I used these Bo Bunny papers I got from AC Bailey in November and also dusted off my Sizzix machine to make the letters for the word LOVE! I thought it was somewhat of a Valentine's themed layout to feature today. My son's team the Hawks almost won their first game today. It ended up being a tie...but they played very good and if it hadn't have been for a foul in the last seconds they would have won! It was pretty much a nail biter the entire game and we are hoping for a win next week! Gotta run and get back to work on my other 15 challenges! LOL! Have a good Valentine's Day and an awesome weekend!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday's Featured Blogger & thanks secret sis!

First off this is the package I received from my secret sister over on the Personalscrapper board yesterday. Here name is Star and she spoiled me with some really awesome goodies! The paper is some cute boy themed paper from Kaiser Crafts and the awesome rub ons to match are boy themed from Scenic Route, and I can't fail to mention the Maya Road tin FILLED with journaling sheers. They are definitely going to make journaling much easier. I also got TWO boxes of Nips but notice only one is showing, that's because I took one to work and proceeded to eat it all! I love it all, and can't wait to use everything this weekend in during the online crop at http://www.personalscrapper.com/ Now on to today's feature blogger.... this Friday I would like to introduce you to an AWESOME sketch site called So Sketchy. Allison comes up with not only awesome scrapbook layout sketches but card sketches as well. And her design team ROCKS those sketches with great examples. Go check them out at http://sosketchy.blogspot.com/ If you are out of mojo it will definitely help you find some fast! I love the newest sketch and hope to use it on a layout this weekend during the online crop. Well folks, I am off to finish up my floors, its the last thing on my TO DO list for the weekend, then tonight after basketball practice I plan on cropping a bit and working on some of the awesome SIXTEEN challenges over at Personalscrapper, hope to see you there!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Git 'R Done Wednesday
Hello folks! I was so excited about actually completing the last layout in my "junk" or "to be completed" drawer, but I am sorry to say it was not the last one as I originally thought. I pulled out the stuff to complete this layout and found a few pieces of paper and a picture with a title on it, so I guess that is the last layout that needs to be finished. So we will have one more edition of Git R Done Wednesdays where I post a layout that I left half done for an ungodly amount of time. This layout was minus any embellishments and journaling. The picture was mounted and strips of paper and the title block where with it, but that was it. I couldn't make it work like I wanted to, so I turned to my fav site when I am at a standoff ~ Got Sketch by Valeria Salmon! I quickly located a sketch to use by scrolling down on the sidebar where it lists the sketches by groups such as one photo, two photos etc. I decided my picture and embellishments were a perfect fit for sketch #69, and then my page came together in about 30 minutes from there. Easy peasy...you gotta love the sketch....some Seinfeldese for those of you old enough. I like the way this turned out, it is one of my favorite pictures of my son, he is on the HUGE ferris wheel at Mall of America's theme park and this layout has "laid" around since 2004 folks, so it was about time I completed it don't ya think?! I used Basic Gray's Mellow line from my September 2007 Personalscrapper kit. The colors complimented my photo well I thought. I plan on doing a bunch of housekeeping tomorrow so I can have lots of time to play this weekend as there is an online crop over at Personalscrapper this weekend, so I hope to get a lot done then. I will post what I get done at the end of the week! Have a wonderful "hump day" and catch back here soon!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Use your stash Tuesday


kits to actually use for RAK's or birthday gifts etc. That will be a good use for some of my Use Your Stash Tuesday challenges. I

hope to give some of these kits I have been "collecting" to some good homes! This kit is by Breezy Designs and is in their Runway collection called Meadowbrook. I love the chocolate and blue colors, very pretty in person. Hope to see you back here again tomorrow for Git 'R Done Wednesday, and it will be a special edition tomorrow folks as I will be completing the LAST layout in my 1/2 finished drawer, hmmm..what ever shall I do with an empty drawer? Maybe buy some more paper??? I am sure I will find a way to fill it up all too fast! LOL! See you tomorrow folks!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Mari!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Love is in the Air

Ok, I did it! I completed the 52 week 52 sketches challenge BEFORE the deadline this time. That was my goal for the week, never mind that it was only 12 hours before the deadline, but it WAS before the deadline people...This is my favorite sketch from them to date (of course there have only been 5 so far this year) but I LOVE all the diecut circle papers out on the market now. I bought this paper on a whim cuz I absolutely did not NEED any more paper, so I was SO happy that within a week of buying it I actually USED it! YEA for me! I have been saving these pics from 2004 for the "perfect" page, good thing it came along when it did, before I forgot even what we did and what year we did it in! I do want to thank my friend Angie for helping me find some pics of me and Jakob, as really I had only pics of him, but being the good friend she is, she had taken a few of the two of us together. I am also in the process of finishing up my layout for my "homework" in Got Sketch 103 that is due today, now did you notice that I did not do my homework first before I played??? Sounds like someone else I know, who will remain nameless, but must get this bad annoying habit from his mother! LOL! Well, better jet so I can complete my homework on time, I'll share that with you tomorrow! Enjoy your Sunday!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday's Featured Blogger
As promised I would like to share a blog with you that I have found particularly inspiring and useful in being "creative". This week I would like to feature Susanna at http://www.cardoftheweek.com She features inspiring papercrafting and scrapbooking blogs each week in her "best of the blogoshpere". If you wish you had more time to just surf the web looking for inspiring blogs about papercrafting or scrapbooking then you should check out Susanna's blog. She basically does all the work for you in her special features. And for February she has listed blogs featuring adorable Valentine's ideas from cards to cute little giftables, plus she has designed her own ADORABLE little download to meet all your gift giving needs for Valentine's Day, and its less then the cost of one of those singing cards!! So go enjoy, but be prepared to spend a lot of time! I know I do! Another little tidbit before I sign off to take my son to basketball practice, one of my friends Sheila over at the Personalscrapper blog shared this link with us today, it is a FREE download of some super cute little Valentine's day tickets, great to use on your layouts, cards or even to use to make your kid's Valentines! I printed off a sheet for myself, and plan to use it on a layout I am currently working on...so go grab yourself some freebies, gotta love those freebies!
Have a scrappy weekend folks, I plan on cropping a bit over the weekend and hope to have some goodies to show for it on Monday!
Have a scrappy weekend folks, I plan on cropping a bit over the weekend and hope to have some goodies to show for it on Monday!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
And the winner is.....

Monday, February 2, 2009
More Artic Chill

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