Yes, it's true, this is what time I was up and at 'em this morning trying to get a jump on my Christmas shopping. This is the third year in a row that I have been up and running at or before this time. I think my record was last year when I was at GameStop at 330 waiting in line for a Wii! Call me crazy, but I'm addicted, have to make it out and get at least one good buy. This year there is not as much on my list and most of the things I'm going for aren't really doorbusters, but there are a few things I'm trying to pick up for friends who are too smart to get up at this crazy hour to go fight a huge crowd! Well, better get going but before I do, I wanted to introduce today's Friday's featured blogger, my sister Shelly! Shelly has recently started a blog to showcase all her wonderfully creative ideas in scrapbooking and papercrafting. Go check out her blog, you will love the little matchbook she made for her scissor charms, very cute and a great little gift for those on your list that you want to remember but don't want to break the bank on by buying a big gift. I think these would work for about any little thing you could think of like a bracelet, necklace or even a gift card...cute and so easy to make. You will want to check out http://craftyideasforyou.blogspot.com/ often, as all her ideas are super creative, have superb instructions and are really easy to make! Now I am off to shop til I drop and I'll post more soon! Wish me luck :o)