Sunday, December 27, 2009
Blog Candy Alert!
My friend Star is giving away some AWESOME blog candy on her blogo....and if that isn't enough, you have got to see THIS layout! It is SOOOO cute, love the colors, love the title, love EVERYTHING about it! She is an very talented scrapbooker and has provided me with tons of inspiration over the last year or two I have been following her. You won't be disappointed even if you don't win you will win with some great inspiring ideas to use in your own scrapbooking! When you stop by make sure and tell her Lisa sent you! Happy Sunday everyone!

Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas!

Can you believe that today it is actually SNOWING here in Texas????? Wow! This is the FIRST white Christmas we have seen since I have lived here! I am so excited and yet I am bummed about what I can wear tonight to church and yet keep warm! And just think it was 78 degrees yesterday! From summer to winter in 24 hours, wow! But even MORE exciting then the snow...my little baby boy turned 12 years old today! Happy Birthday Jakob! I can't believe he almost a TEENAGER! It was sure snowing on the day he was born 12 years ago, so we are in for a repeat performance this year as well. Here is a pic from his lunch with family today at Applebees, isn't he handsome? And here is one from the day he was born...a big difference huh? And to close, here are a few pics of our BIG snowstorm...I know those of you in other parts of the country don't think it looks like much, but for us it really is a big deal! LOL! I am off to wrap up a few of my last gifts, thank goodness I am done shopping and don't have to get out in this mess to finish up my shopping! Have a blessed Christmas Eve day everyone!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'm Still alive

What is it about this time of year that has me running in circles? I just can't seem to keep up! I love this time of the year, but yet I find myself busier than ever and unfortunately scrapbooking has taken a back seat to all my other activities at the moment. I am hoping to do some creating this weekend though, as I have finished my shopping, the angel tree gifts are delivered and my DS's birthday party is over, so now all I have to do is finish my Christmas cards, wrap my gifts and sit back and enjoy! YEAH! Here is how I spent yesterday evening, at my son's first band concert. The kids were surprisingly good for a first concert and to think just 4 months ago they hadn't ever played an instrument! I was so proud of him! I am almost done with my Christmas cards so check back soon for a sneak peek. Happy Hump Day!

Monday, November 23, 2009
Let's Go Cowboys!

What an awesome time we had yesterday at the Cowboys game! And even better, they won! Washington Redskins 6 and Dallas Cowboys 7...what a nail biter, we didn't even score until the last 2 minutes or so of the game. The new stadium is so awesome, everyone should at least go to ONE game there...I can't wait to hopefully go back again, that is if I can get so lucky as to get tickets again. The big screen (or should I say jumbo)is great, especially when the guy in front of you stands up the entire game like the guy in front of me did! LOL! You can see a picture above I took of it showing the entire stadium...the clarity of the pictures is just great. I am already working on my first page of the pics I took, so check back soon and I will share my layout with you. I hope to have it done by Thanksgiving day, so check back then. Off, to work, a busy day this week since it is a short work week...Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Nutmeg Love

Here is my first of many layouts using the Nutmeg line by Cosmo Cricket. This layout is based on sketch #46 from 52 sketches. I also used this layout for one of the challenges for the online crop at Personalscrapper which was to use a die cut or handmade accent on your page. I used these leaf die cuts that I got from a CM party way back in 1997, LOL! I really like the way this turned out. The "J" sticker is from one of those sticker books from Cosmo Cricket (the Christmas one I think) and as you can see the colors are almost a perfect match, which was fun find. I have had that sticker book forever as well, and it is almost used up. I am off to the Cowboys game right now, pictures to follow. So go Cowboys you gotta win if I am coming to watch you in person! LOL! Too bad I won't be able to use my Nutmeg to scrap my game pics...now that would be a challenge, anyone game enough to take me up on it??? Happy Sunday everyone!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
sketch #45

Howdy all! Just wanted to check in with my take on last week's sketch over at 52 sketches! I went with a summer theme this time. This layout was super easy, but I think it turned out well, and I didn't even have to make a title, it was predone for me! Super simple! I just love the Snorkel line by Cosmo Cricket, but then again, I love almost anything Cosmo Cricket! Have you seen their new Nutmeg line? If not check it out here...I have some and I plan on using it this week at the online crop at Personalscrapper that starts today! Come join us if you have time, Erica just posted SIXTEEN fun and motivating challenges, in fact, I already have scads of ideas from them and can't wait to get some scrappy time! Have an awesome week and I will be back with more creations soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
We have a Winner!

In honor of my 200th post we have a winner of a few of my cards I made a week or more ago. And the winner is SANDI! Congrats Sandi, send me your address so I can send out your fav card plus a few others to you!
Today was spent celebrating a special birthday, Lil' Miss Katie is TWO today! Happy Birthday Katie! Here are some pics of the special day she spent with her good friend Chuckie! LOL!
I hope to finish up a few layouts tomorrow, so please check back at the beginning of the week to see my creations from last week challenges I participated in.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
sketch #44

Here is my latest creation using sketch #44 from 52 sketches. I was SO lucky to get this shot of my son holding a DOG! He does not care for dogs, he isn't mean to them, he just does not like them licking him or jumping on him, so when my brother's dog Sprint came and sat on his lap, I was lucky I had my camera in my hands ready to go, so I got this shot! It is a one of a kind shot, and the dog is even looking cute isn't she? I LOVE those ears! LOL! These are the Dream Street papers called Superstition...and are meant to be Halloween papers! I got them in my October Personalscrapper kit, which I just adore and can't wait to play with more. I have two sketches to work on this week, one from Creative Scrappers and sketch #45 from 52sketches, so I hope I can squeeze in some time this weekend to scrap. Its a busy one, but hopefully I can make some time. Have a good week everyone and dont' forget to enter the voting for your favorite card, you could win some fun cards by casting your vote, you have until November 13th to do so here!

Saturday, November 7, 2009
I wish, I wish for...
I am so excited to report that I have my Christmas shopping ALMOST done! YEAH! Now I have some birthday shopping to do and one more Christmas gift to get, but folks I may be done with my shopping and WRAPPING by Thanksgiving! I am so excited. So keeping with the spirit of Christmas fun/gift giving I thought I would share what's on my wish list from Santa this year.... I LOVE buttons, and these buttons are super cute, just love etsy! And these homemade embellishments are to die for, love the colors! And I would love the own this ENTIRE October Afternoon line! I am dying for a few of these awesome border punches! Now not all the stuff on my wish list is scrapbooking related (I know you are surprised) LOL! I can't wait to read this thriller by Patricia Cornwell and THIS one or THIS one by James Patterson! And these owl necklaces are just too cute...yes, etsy again! LOL! So what's on your wish list? I hope to avoid the one gift for you and two gifts for me shopping that I did last year, so I am ordering most of my gifts online to avoid the temptation! Can't wait to see what you gals are wishing for this year! Have a nice weekend everyone!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Howdy folks! No Friday's Featured blogger today, I haven't been blog hopping much in a week or so now, not because I don't want to but I have been super busy. Not scrappin' but card making. Each fall I try and make a dozen cards for our Fall Festival at our Church, to raise money for our Youth Missions. Each person that is crafty makes something homemade (or some people buy stuff) and donate it and we have a live auction and a silent auction to raise money for our Youth program. I have made cards now for about 6-7 years and each year they bring a pretty penny in one of the auctions. I am always excited to see how much they really raise! What a blessing. I wanted to make more this year, but since I was busy scrapping most of October doing the LOAD crop over at Personalscrapper, time got away from me and I didn't start on my cards until this Monday and I just finished early this morning! I know, nothing like waiting til the last minute, the auction is tomorrow. I only got 12 done, but hey, that's better than none right? So you will see six of the cards above (I made two of each design). Which one is your favorite? Cast your vote in the comments section and I will pick a winner from all the entries that cast a vote and send you a copy or two of your fav selection. You have until Friday the 13th to cast your vote! What a fun Freaky Friday give away huh? Ok, now I have the whole weekend to finish up a few more layouts I am working on and had to put aside to finish my cards. TGIF everyone, I'm off to take a warm bath and hit the hay early.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dreaming of Summer!

OK, it's barely gone and I am wishing for more fun lazy summer days! LOL! This layout was inspired by two different things that came together as one! (Love it when that happens!) First I used the sketch from sketchy Thursdays for this week. Second, I used a challenge at Personalscrapper (thanks Lydia!) to do a collage on your layout. I did three different collages using my Shutterfly application. The far right is a 5x7collage and the other two are 3.5 x 5 in size. I used My Mind's Eye paper and embellishments. The letters are foam Thickers. I really like how this turned out, simple but yet it captures our summer well. I wanted to do a Summer review now for the last two years and never got around to it, but now I have. I may go back and do the other years as well if I still feel so inpsired! But right now I am off to work on some more Personalscrapper challenges and use some of the new Pagemaps sketches! Happy Halloween everyone!

Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday's Featured Blogger
Today's featured blogger is another of member of Personalscrapper. Joni always has a creative and inpsirational take on any of the challenges over at Personalscrapper. I love her fun, clean style. Here is one of my most recent favs she did using her circle punches. And that stripe is not paper but material! How creative. This is another creative layout. I plan to lift it when I finish up my son's Kindergarten pages, which I am working on now.(I know I'm a bit behind!) LOL! So go see for yourself, check out Joni's fun place here!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Giving Thanks

Today's layout is based on sketch #43 at 52 weeks 52 sketches. I used some older We R Memory Keepers papers from my June 2007 Personalscrapper kit. All my embellishments are from my OLD stash too...nothing new on this layout but the Thickers and this awesome stamped journaling box made with a new stamp set from my secret sis Amy (I told you she spoiled me)! I love it when it works out that way! This is my son in Kindergarten dressed as an Indian Chief when they learned about the first Thanksgiving. Just love his smile back then! How sweet is it?!!!
I am working on doing some of my older photos even as I scrap newer ones, trying to play catch up a bit. I will be back on Friday with a new featured blogger, if you know of anyone that you think is a great scrapbooking/papercrafting blogger, please let me know so I can feature them here! Later!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Here comes the sun....

Well, FINALLY, I have some sunlight to take pics of my layout! I thought I would never see the sun again! LOL! This layout was created from sketch #42 at 52 sketches 52 weeks. I used Cosmo Cricket's Boyfriend line stickers and papers for this SIMPLE yet fun layout. I flipped the sketch as you can tell, to better accomodate my larger photos. These photos were taken in June while we were vacationing at Universal Studios. I am fast at work on sketch #43 and should have it done and ready to post tomorrow, so check back for that, and if you have time why don't you participate yourself in this week's sketch, I'd love to see it and even better you will be entered to win a FABULOUS kit by Work in Progress..it is lovely and I am keepin' my fingers crossed, I'd love to win this awesome kit! Good luck and if you enter leave a comment with a link to your layout so we can all view your wondrous work!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Scrappy Sunday

Happy Scrappy Sunday everyone! I had a VERY productive day today, not only did I get caught up on my laundry but I was able to steal some scrappy time with my dear friend Angie and we actually created TWO layouts each in the three or so hours we spend together this afternoon, not bad huh? This layout was created using this week's fab sketch from Sketchy Thursdays. I am having a ball playing with their sketches each week, you need to play along if you have time, the sketches are super easy to work with. I used the Basic Grey Marrakesch papers I received from my all time rockin' secret sis on the Personalscrapper board plus some older chipboard pieces from my stash. Thanks so much Amy, couldn't have made this page without ya sis! And another shout out to Amy, she made the DT at Scrappin' Sports Stuff, and I can't wait to see what she creates with all her new sports goodies! I will post my other layout tomorrow when I can get a better pic of it, its dark now and not enough light, although it is suppose to rain all night and tomorrow, so not sure how much light I will actually get then! LOL! See ya tomorrow peeps!

Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday's Featured Blogger
Today's featured blogger is an awesome scrapbooker and I have followed her work for quit sometime. I first fell in love with Star's work in February during an online crop at Personalscrapper. She created so many awesome layouts I wanted to lift everyone of them! My fav called UR A TOTALLY SWEET KID, can be found here. Besides creating awesome layouts she takes some darn good pictures. Her style is fun and each layout is surprise...by that I mean there are some scrappers I can just identify their layouts easily without looking at the artist's name, but Star's layouts are all so different and astounding which shows the broad reach of her style, which is why I think it will appeal to scrappers of any style, from detailed/ornate to simple and clean. So hop on over to Star's blog and show her some love. I know you will find some awesome layouts you too will want to lift!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sketchy Thursdays!

Ok, I know it's not Thursday, but I based this layout off a sketch at Sketchy Thursday's website. I made this layout using Scenic Route's Garland line. I am SOOO sad to see them go, I loved all their products. This layout is of my nephew. One year for Christmas my son and I filled a box FULL of gum (I mean like $40+ of gum!) as one of his gifts. He loved it! I think he chewed the entire box well before Valentine's Day! LOL! If you haven't participated in any of the challenges at Sketchy Thursday's you need to, the sketches are super fun to work with! I am getting a bunch done for the Croptoberfest at Personalscrapper, and hope to post more in the next few days, so keep checkin' back...I should have more to share soon..gotta stop scrappin' for a moment and take some pics! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday's Featured Blogger
I am so excited to share today's featured blogger with you. Most of you have seen her AWESOME work somewhere but I didn't know she had a blog until a few weeks ago! I just love her stunning layouts! I mean you need to grab a drink and kick back for awhile, take the phone off the hook ladies, you won't want to leave Kelly's blog! Kelly Noel is an awesome designer. Her work shows beautiful detail, yet the photos are not lost in it! Here is my all time fav of hers (SILLY HATS), just LOVE this mix of patterns! I have got to lift that one for sure! And then there are THESE awesome layouts using my fav Cosmo Cricket line Early Bird and Cherry Hill from my fav paper company October Afternoon! There is SOOO much to see at Kelly's blog, so hop on over and ENJOY! Have a fun weekend everyone!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Journaling challenge
I am back from vacation and starting to get my creative groove back. It seems I have gotten lazy with having so many days to do nothing but play! I enjoyed my time off SO much, and am finding it hard to get back to getting up early and going to bed early! LOL! So it's a good thing we are having Croptoberfest over at Personalscrapper, its great inspiration and easy to get the juices flowing. The challenge for October 14th was to create a layout with a letter to someone or do some creative journaling . I choose to do journaling about all the things I have done that I really never would have without my son as the driving force/inspiration. I used the Personalscrapper August 2008 kit and framed my journaling with a Scenic Route chipboard frame that I colored with an ink pad. Journaling reads: BECAUSE OF YOU:
I rode the Green Extreme Uphill watercoaster
I overcame my fear of heights and went parasailing.
I started riding roller coasters, like the Mummy ride at Universal
I became a reluctant movie buff
I learned how to play Bakugan and trade Yugioh cards
I saw Star Wars for the second time
I stood in line for hours to see a Harry Potter movie
I came to admire the loud blaring of a clarinet played by a beginning musician
I learned how to play Guitar Hero
I have become grateful for each moment, as they pass so quickly,
I am changed, stronger, and so PROUD to call you my SON.
Thanks Christia for a wonderful challenge! Now I'm off to work on today's challenge, it should be pretty easy as it is challenging us to scrap a holiday or celebration and I know exactly what pics I am gonna use! Check back tomorrow for Friday's Featured blogger, see ya then!

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