Happy Tuesday everyone! It's use your stash Tuesday today and that means I try to make a project that uses things I have hoarded for awhile and need to use up! Today I decided I needed to use up some scraps of last's years Halloween paper. I loved this paper and used almost 2 packs of it making sucker holders, cards etc. I had wanted to go "BOOING" last Halloween and never got around to it, so I decided what better way to use up those last few scraps and get a jump start on my "booing" baskets, so I created 2 of these cute little Boo baskets. For those of you who don't know what "BOOING" is, it is where you take a treat basket to someone's house, ring the doorbell, and run, leaving the basket on the front porch. Now I can't run too fast, so I plan on having my son do all the running, I'll be driving the getaway car! I have had these baskets around since I did a baby shower for my sister almost 5 years ago, in fact the side covered with paper is stamped on with baby stuff! I had stamped it, didnt' like how it turned out and stuck them in my scrap pile, where they have been for the last 5 years...time to move those suckers on out! The stamps used are the collage and rough edge alphabets from Stampin Up, oldies but goodies, but where gathering a bit of dust so decided to use them here. The bat is from an old Halloween kit that I never used. So mission accomplished, a bunch of old stuff used up and heading out to be used as boo baskets. The poem that I half way made up (I did get inspiration from a similar poem in a magazine, but it was too long for my tag so I changed it quite a bit) is on the back of the tag and reads : This is the time for goblins & bats, Halloween spirits, ghosts and cats, weird happenings and witches' brew, and these are the things I wish for you: May the only spirit you chance to meet be the spirit of love and warm friends sweet. May the only goblin that comes your way be this fast little phantom whom you've met this day. It's better giving then receiving we all know its true, so can you guess who the phantom is who left this yummy sweet treat for you? Happy Halloween! You've been BOOED! One bummer of this project is I BROKE my cropadile on it....I just got it a few months back and though you can't see it here, I attached the long striped piece to the sides of the basket with snaps that I have had forever. I thought it made it looked more finished since the piece was not quite long enough to reach the sides ends and kind of ends in the middle of the side of the basket, well after I did 2 snaps my little pointy end of the setter part broke off! I was very upset, as this is a brand new $30 tool and now it is unusable except for the punch part, and the whole not hammering thing is why I got it to begin with. Anyone else had the same issue? I hate to buy another one now, but I may use my 40% off at Hobby Lobby this week to get another, but I would hate to have it happen again. If you have heard of this happening to you or someone else, let me know as I won't waste my $$$ on another one! Have a good rest of the day folks and don't forget to tune in tomorrow for Git R Done Wednesday! And if you are someone who gets a similar looking boo basket soon, please act surprised, after all, I am sure a bunch of people will copy this idea! HA!