Here's another layout I did for my seventh Slice Challenge on the Personalscrapper site, only three more to go and my name will be entered twice for a drawing for a Making Memories Slice! This layout was created using one of the sketches from the Pagemaps site this month. This sketch is so versatile and fun, allowing me to get all four photos on to one page which I LOVE! The challenge here was to create a page about your favorite things. I have done this in the past but thought I would do an updated version to reflect a few of my favs for 2009. The papers are by October Afternoon and the letters stickers by American Crafts. If you haven't seen the Pagemaps sketches for April run on over to Becky's website and check them out http://www.pagemaps.com , besides all the wonderful sketches you can see examples of each sketch by some very talented scrapbookers. Well, better get back to creating, I think I hear that Slice calling my name!

You are really going for it Lisa...well done.