In loving memory of Molly McButter (Chops) my sweet little cat. Born October 1993. Died September 29, 2009. Molly was an independent and tough old cat, she was best known for scaling your legs by digging her razor sharp claws into your pants when she was a kitten. No one was exempt,she treated people like they were trees. She loved to eat, even though she weighed around 4 pounds soaking wet. She loved to play string and had to retire early and arise early. She detested it when I stayed up past nine o'clock! She did not like you to hold her,but she would sit on your lap for hours and be mad if you had to get up to go to the bathroom at any point and time. She loved to claw things. She was a well loved kicking bag for her big sis, Snuggles, and even though she was much smaller she stood her ground. She was born in Kentucky and every time someone said anything that resembled the word or sound of "tucky" she would perk up. Her favorite food was Kentucky Fried Chicken. She was a well traveled cat having lived in 3 states and at least 6 houses. She hated the feel of grass on her little paws, she was an indoor cat through and through, as she showed when we had a mouse in our house because I caught it faster and showed MUCH more interest in it then she ever did! Rest in peace my sweet Molly McButterball, you will be greatly missed by me and all the little kids who loved to try and pet you and who to your credit you put up with pretty well in your golden years.