Sunday, February 28, 2021

Lisa and Lori's Great Stash Bash ~ February Recap!!

Happy Sunday!! Wow, this month flew by!!  Of course since it is a short one so that was a contributing factor!!  I wanted to pop in to post a recap of what I was able to accomplish with my February Great Stash Bash kit!   

Here is a reminder of the February Stash Bash kits (for this month I created two mini kits):

Here are the cards I created with this month's kit:

These cards were all created with the kit and a few scraps I had on my desk!  I created them all for a Valentine's Day Swap I was in!!  I hope the recipients liked them!  I included some fun stickers and washi tape from Paper House Productions in the cards.  I had a lot of fun making these!  As you can see I started the month out strong, but unfortunately we had an EPIC Winter storm here in Texas and I lost power and water for almost a week.  I am fine now and have recovered with minimal damage but there are so many who were not as lucky...but needless to say that put an end to my crafting time and I am just getting some crafty time today after 2 weeks without any!!   So I did not get the 2 layouts completed that I had planned on doing with this kit, but I have been busy today planning my kit for March and I am hopeful for a better month next month!!  Even though I had a lot of my kit left over I am hopeful that later this year I can circle back around to this one! Stay tuned as tomorrow I will be posting my March Stash Bash kit!!   I hope you have a blessed end to your month, happy creating!! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February Flavors of the Month Double Page fun!

Happy Hump Day!!  Today I am playing catch up!  Last week we were without power and water for a number of days and that really made me run behind on my posting and crafting!!  Today I am sharing my double page layout created with the Flavors of the Month kit at The ScrapRoom!  Here is a reminder of the kit:

Here is the layout I created with this amazing kit using the Simple Stories Sweet Talk part of the kit:
Supplies Used: Cardstock: cream- from the kit; Patterned Paper: Simple Stories Sweet Talk- from the kit; ephemera: Simple Stories Sweet Talk- from the kit; foam words/flowers: Simple Stories Sweet Talk- from the kit; letter stickers: "have" Doodlebug Designs - from my stash; enamel dots: My Mind's Eye- from my stash

I love this line!  The colors are so lovely and the patterns are so fun!  I used pictures of my friend and hubby though the years!  Make sure and head on over to The ScrapRoom blog to see the other amazing layouts the DT has created with this awesome kit!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!  I have had so much fun this month creating Valentine's Days cards!! I just love red and pink, hearts and lace!!  Today I am sharing some cards I created using some fun 3D stickers from Paper House Productions!!  Here are the cards I created:

Close ups of each card:
Supplies Used: 3D sticker: Bee Mine Valentine's Day stickers- Paper House Productions; cardstock: Calypso Coral, Basic Black,Sky Blue & Whisper White- Stampin' Up; patterned paper: Crate Paper La La Love; ink: Tuxedo Black-Memento; stamp: CTMH A piece of my heart; embossing folder: CTMH - stitched circles; pen- Pentel

Supplies Used: cardstock: Real Red, Whisper White- Stampin' Up; Patterned Paper: All My Heart-Elle's Studio; stickers: Bee My Valentine- Paper House Productions; black pen- Pentel

Supplies Used: Cardstock: Whisper White, Basic Black- Stampin' Up; Patterned Paper: CTMH Heart Happy, Simple Stories Whatever, Pebbles My Funny Valentine and red dots (unknown);  enamel heart: Recollections; 3D sticker: Bee My Valentine- Paper House Productions; black pen- Pentel.

I just loved these adorable stickers by Paper House Productions!  I used up scraps from various past Valentine's Day kits on these cards!! It felt good to use up some scraps and also to make a slight dent in my stash of Valentine's Day papers!  I have been avoiding buying more Valentine's Day paper until my stash is slightly less and I think next year I will treat myself to a new collection for Valentine's Day!  Yay!  I hope you have a blessed day with and get time with your special Valentine today!  Happy creating!

Friday, February 12, 2021

February's Freak Fast Friday Formula at The ScrapRoom

TGIF!!  Today I am sharing my layout created using the Freaky Fast Friday Formula at The ScrapRoom!  I used the Flavors of the Month kit to create this fun layout!!  
Here is a reminder of the kit:

Here is the Formula for February:

And here is my layout using the kit & the Freaky Fast Friday Formula:
Supplies Used: Cardstock: white- from the kit; Patterned Paper: Let's Celebrate by Carta Bella- from the kit; stickers: Let's Celebrate by Carta Bella- from the kit; Pen: Precision by American Crafts- from my stash
I will admit this formula through me for a bit of a loop at first with all the smaller squares but I decided to do a "grid" pattern using the squares and the stickers and love how it turned out!  I just love the amazing texture of Carta Bella papers!  To make the squares "pop" even more I outlined them all with a black pen!  This photo is of my nephew on his last birthday!!  Looks like he had a great one with all these fun gifts don't you think?  I thought the colors were perfect for this photo!!  Even though this is a birthday kit if you use the "B" side of the papers like I did you could absolutely make any type of layout with these papers!!  Of course, the stickers are pretty much birthday themed but the papers can be either way!  Make sure and visit The ScrapRoom blog to check out what the other DT did with this fun kit and this FREAKY FAST FORMULA!!  Happy creating! 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Remember What Matters Most ~ February Flavors of the Month kit!

Good evening!! Happy Friday Eve!! It's still super cold here in Texas so I am taking the time to stay inside in the evening and get creative!!  Today I am sharing another layout I created with the February Flavors of the Month kit at The ScrapRoom!  
Here is a reminder of this beautiful kit:

Here is my layout created with this amazing kit:
Supplies Used: cardstock: kraft- from the kit & Black- from my stash; Patterned Paper: Simple Stories Hello Today- from the kit; chipboard: Simple Stories Hello Today- from the kit; tag/journaling spot:Simple Stories Hello Today- from the kit; twine: Doodlebug Designs- from my stash. 
This adorable picture is of my friend's two sweet grandbabies!!  Aren't they precious?  I loved this picture and converted it to black and white which I think let's the papers really pop the photo even more don't you?  I used one of the cut apart cards included in this card for my title and dressed it up with some of the chipboard pieces included in the kit!  I love how this turned out!  Make sure and visit The ScrapRoom blog to check out all the other layouts and projects the DT has created with this amazing kit!  Happy creating! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

TN Time with Lisa & Lori ~ February edition!!

Happy Hump Day!!  We are in an arctic cold front here in Texas!  I know many of you have been like this all Winter but it's rare for it to dip below 30 in Texas and much more rare for it to stay that way for a week!!  It can leave anytime as far as I am concerned lol!  It's a great day to stay inside and get creative!!  Today I am sharing our February TN Time with Lisa & Lori challenge!! 

HERE IS HOW OUR CHALLENGE WORKS: This is a monthly challenge that launches on the 10th of each month  You will have until the 9th at midnight CST to link up your entries. If you complete my sketch challenge link your TN, bullet journal or planner spread below. If you combined my challenge with Lori's challenge link up your spread here on my blog AND on Lori's Blog (My Happy Life). For 2021 we are making this challenge a "just for fun" challenge with no prize, but isn't the real prize just documenting your memories and getting more pages done in 2021???!!!! 
Now for my challenge!! Here is this month's sketch:

Now for Lori's February challenge (February 10th-March 9th)

What an fun challenge!!  The color RED is perfect for Valentine's Day and so much more!!    
Here is my spread for this month- I used the sketch & Lori's challenge:
Supplies Used: Patterned Paper: Simple Stories Simple Vintage Botanicals & Carta Bella Our House (red strip); alpha stickers: Simple Stories Carpe Diem; stickers: Carta Bella Our House (mushroom, flower, butterfly, black word strip) & Echo Park Everyday Eclectic (love this photo); heart: The Reset Girl Girl Friday; tag: Crate Paper & enamel dots: My Mind's Eye

I stuck true to the sketch but added in a tag instead of a paper strip on the second page and I love how that looks!  I opted to leave the tag hole empty for a change instead of adding twine....I though the twine covered up my journaling to much. As you can see I went for a softer color palette and added in pops of red with the top paper strip and the red in the center of the flower and a red mushroom...I love the pops of red and will doing this again soon!! 

Now for a few close ups:

I love the "outdoorsy" feel of this Simple Stories line!  Isn't this mushroom the cutest?  I found this cut out heart in one of my The Reset Girl printable collections and thought it was perfect for this spread...the wood grain texture in the heart adds to the nature feel I was trying to capture!  I could have punched out a heart but this heart was "fatter" and anchored my word strip better! 

I am working on using up 12 x 12 sticker sheets from collections I have used up all the paper for and so on this spread I accomplished that by using up a number of stickers from older 12 x 12 sheets!!  So glad I had stickers to match this Simple Stories line because I only have paper for that line and no stickers lol!!  How do I have so much stash but yet things like that still happen?  But instead of buying more I am determined to make things "work" together from here on out!!  
Now for the nitty gritty of how to play along:

                                            RULES FOR THE CHALLENGE:
1.Create a TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK, PLANNER, OR BULLET JOURNAL spread based on the CHALLENGE THEME and/or our sketch. 
2.Create a new, not previously posted project.
3.You are welcome to combine with other challenges.
4.If you have a blog please include the challenge graphic & a link to our challenge in your post.
5.You can link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you show your project on Instagram, please make sure to use #TNtimewithLisaandLori 
6.You can submit multiple projects but they must be posted to InLinkz or social media separately.
7. Most importantly have FUN!
Be sure to stop by Lori's blog to see her awesome TN spread for this challenge!  I hope you will find time to join in the fun this month!  We can't wait to see what you create!!

Friday, February 5, 2021

February Flavors of the Month kit @ The ScrapRoom!

Happy February!!  I hope your month is off to a good start!! Mine has been very creative and that makes my heart happy!  Today I am sharing my first layout of the month created with the Flavors of the Month kit at The ScrapRoom!  
Here is the February kit:

Here is my layout created with the kit using the Echo Park Cupid & Co collection included in the February Flavors of the month kit:
Supplies Used: Cardstcok: Black- from the kit; Patterned Paper: Echo Park Cupid & Co- from the kit; letter stickers: Doodlebug Designs- from my stash; ephemera: Echo Park Cupid & Co- from the kit; enamel dot: Recollections- from my stash.

I loved the beautiful floral paper included in this kit and the classic black with red and pink is just a color combo you can't go wrong with!  This picture is of my friend's sweet son and his adorable family. Isn't this a precious picture?  I think this collection would be great with black and white photos too!  Really the possibilities are endless with what you could do with it!  Make sure and visit The ScrapRoom blog to check out what the other DT members did with this super fun kit!!  Happy creating! 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Lisa & Lori's Great Stash Bash 2021 ~ February edition!

Happy February!!  Wow, didn't January fly by???!!!  I just love February!!  For some reason pink, red, hearts, lace and all the related Valentine's Day icons just make my heart happy!!  I know many of you feel the same, and so it will be no big surprise when you will see a LOVE theme in my kit this month!!  So let's dive in and get this party started!!!

For those who are new to the challenge here is how it works:
On the 1st of each month we will post a challenge prompt and the stash kit we have created using that prompt. During the month we will try to use as much of our stash kits as possible on different projects. Then, on the last day of the month, we will do a recap post showing what stash we were able to bash!
This will be a just-for-fun challenge so no monthly prize - but isn't the real prize using up our stash? You never know - if we still have a few unused stash items after a few months, then those items may just go into a giveaway. We hope you will join us in our quest to bash some stash in 2021. If you accept the challenge to play along - link up on either my blog or Lori's Blog (or both if you choose) so that we can see who is joining us each month!

Now for our February challenge:

Here are the rules for 2021:
This month we will create a kit with 10 papers (dig into your stash for new or old papers it's up to  you!), 5-7 scrap papers (let's keep those scrap piles under control!), 3-4 embellishments (new or old- you decide), and some 12 x 12 sticker sheets!!!

1. Follow the challenge prompt to create a kit to work with throughout the month. You may use other items, but please concentrate on using your kit. 
2. Create new, not previously posted projects using your stash kit.
3. If you have a blog - please include the challenge graphic and a link to our challenge in your posts. 
4. You may link to social media if you don't have a blog. If you share on Instagram, please make sure to use - #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2021
Since this is a just for fun challenge the rules are not set in stone BUT we have them to help you focus on what really matters using your stash!  We also hope you will help spread the word of our fun challenge so others may join in!!  You know you have at least one friend who needs to use her stash!! 
This month I am making 2 "mini" kits instead of one "big" kit.
Here are my 2 "min" kits using the February prompts:
I  love the pops of blue in this kit, mixed with the red and pink to give it a bit of a nontraditional Valentine's Day tone! 
This kit is more traditional with red, pink & black but I love the fun whimsical stickers and ephemera included in this kit! 

Now for a break down of the two "mini" kits:
10 Patterned Papers:
These papers are from: Pebbles My Funny Valentine, Simple Stories My Valentine, Crate Paper La La Love, Simple Stories #whatever and Simple Stories Vintage Botanicals.

5-7 scrap papers:
These scraps are from PhotoPlay Paper Be Mine, Simple Stories My Valentine, and Simple Stories Kissing Booth. 

4 embellishments:
These embellishments are from Pebbles My Funny Valentine, Crate Paper La La Love, Paper House Productions and Simple Stories My Valentine.

Stash Bash Item:  12 x 12 sticker sheets:
My 12 x 12 sticker sheets are from PhotoPlay Paper Be Mine, Simple Stories Romance, Simple Stories My Valentine and PhotoPlay Paper Love Letters.

I am sticking with a Valentine's Day theme for February as you can see! I really want to use up these 12 x 12 stickers sheets!  They are so hard to store and it seems almost impossible to use them up!! Wish me luck!! 

I am super excited to dig into my fun kit this month!! I hope you will join Lori and myself as we endeavor to bash some stash this month!  Remember if you play along make sure and use the #lisaandlorisgreatstashbash2021.  I can't wait to see your kit!  Happy creating!!