Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Aren't you feeling So Sketchy?!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My baby is turning eleven today!

Can you believe my baby turned eleven today? I can't seems like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital! Here are a couple of quick pictures from his family birthday party today. He is with his best buddy who wants to be just like him, his cousin Ryan. Ryan seemed to manage to get in every picture since he was almost as excited as Jakob to open the gifts! We celebrated with double fudge chocolate cake and a lunch at Jakob's favorite place to eat Applebees! Jakob has really been celebrating all month as he had a sleep over with his two good buddies two weeks ago as well. Nice to have two parites huh? Well, we are off to our evening Christmas Eve service soon, gonna have pizza for dinner and do a Christmas gift exchange this evening, our new annual family tradition we started three years ago, so gotta run. Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas day. I will try and post again next week after all the holiday chaos simmers down.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Black Friday revisited!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Use your Stash Tuesday the Christmas Card edition!

Ok, its use your stash Tuesday again, and although I thought I was finished with my Christmas Cards I realized a few more peeps I left off, so I went back to the drawing board to make a few more cards. I decided in honor of Use your stash Tuesday that I should dig into my SUPER JUMBO SLAB of Christmas paper. I bought this giant slab 2 years ago, and have really not even made a dent in it. I keep telling myself I don't like any of these papers, but in reality I do like most of them, I am just overwhelmed by such a HUGE stash of paper! So after seeing what my friend Rose (who is a creative genius by the way) had done with some of these papers, I decided to try my hand at using them on Christmas cards...it went pretty well, I am pleased with the results. As you can see I stuck to one basic layout, but used different papers and stamps. That saved me time, but yet allowed me to continue on my mission of making each person an individual card. I promise this is my last Christmas Card post, well...unless some long lost relatives appear out of nowhere that I need to send a card to! HA! So get to it girls, use up that old Christmas paper you've been hoarding, and if you run out, call me...I gotcha covered!
Monday, December 15, 2008
It's raining Christmas Cards!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Enabler Alert!

Ok, nothing new created today (not yet anyway, I'm still working on it) but I had to share before this sale ends....go to http://www.scrapbooksongthego.com/ and check out the HUGE sale they have going on right now. Not sure when it ends but a bunch of stuff including the jewerly is 50% OFF!!!!! I hate to enable everyone this time of year, but hey, these make great gifts, so hop on over and check it out! I plan on picking up a few things myself, and click on the new altered portfolios (that's the baby girl one I am showing here), those are SUPER cute and cheap too! Plus, if you spend $50, shipping is free!! LOVE that word this time of year! YEA! Ok, off to crop, gotta get to work on all 15 challenges I am trying to complete!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Cards are in the mail!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Git 'R Done Wednesday Cowboy Style!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Countdown to Christmas!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Another homemade Invitation

Today is use your stash Tuesday and although I don't have a scrapbook page to show you, I did use a lot of my older stash on this birthday invitation to my son's eleventh birthday party. I used some of my hoarded Stampin' Up paper as well as my discontinued, very old star eyelets. I was SOO into eyelets a few years back and have tons I need to use up! I also used my neglected star punches which I love but don't use much. The "its a party" was cut on my Cricut, which I am trying to use more and more and my goal is to use it for my use your stash Tuesdays. I won't allow myself to buy anymore cartridges until I have used the ones I have on a regular basis...need to prove to myself it is worth the price to buy new ones. Does anyone else have a Cricut? What are your favorite cartridges, drop me a comment, I would love to know which ones you recommend, because if I keep using it more I plan on buying myself a new one for my birthday in a few weeks. I couldn't come up with a design for this invitation, and as I was in a rush, so busy as we all are this time of year, I decided to use the same layout as my previous invite to my scrapbooking party. Try that sometime, its simple and makes you feel creative if you just cannot come up with something and need to in a pinch. You can look at my post for November 23rd and see how different they look by changing out the papers etc. Tune in tomorrow for Git 'R Done Wednesday, I'll have a scrapbook page completed out of my drawer again, and last count I will have just 8 more to go! YEA! Maybe I'll reward myself with some more scrapbook goodies! HA! One last thing...hop on over to Valerie's GOT SKETCH blog, http://gotsketch.blogspot.com/, she is having a FREE sketch class starting tomorrow December 3rd. YOU WILL NOT WANT to miss this! Believe me, her work and her sketches are AWESOME. So sign up, it is only a week long and if you don't have time to complete everything you can still download all the materials and do the assignments after the holidays. Now, that's a WAY better deal then anything you bought on Black Friday!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday's Featured blogger!
Yes, it's true, this is what time I was up and at 'em this morning trying to get a jump on my Christmas shopping. This is the third year in a row that I have been up and running at or before this time. I think my record was last year when I was at GameStop at 330 waiting in line for a Wii! Call me crazy, but I'm addicted, have to make it out and get at least one good buy. This year there is not as much on my list and most of the things I'm going for aren't really doorbusters, but there are a few things I'm trying to pick up for friends who are too smart to get up at this crazy hour to go fight a huge crowd! Well, better get going but before I do, I wanted to introduce today's Friday's featured blogger, my sister Shelly! Shelly has recently started a blog to showcase all her wonderfully creative ideas in scrapbooking and papercrafting. Go check out her blog, you will love the little matchbook she made for her scissor charms, very cute and a great little gift for those on your list that you want to remember but don't want to break the bank on by buying a big gift. I think these would work for about any little thing you could think of like a bracelet, necklace or even a gift card...cute and so easy to make. You will want to check out http://craftyideasforyou.blogspot.com/ often, as all her ideas are super creative, have superb instructions and are really easy to make! Now I am off to shop til I drop and I'll post more soon! Wish me luck :o)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What I am Thankful for...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Christmas is coming...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Git 'R Done Wednesday seeing double edition!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
More Mr. Campy

Well, I did it, I used up all my Mr. Campy paper on this layout done for use your stash Tuesday. Now, how come I am left wanting more of it? I just love this line from Cosmo Cricket! I didn't know if I would use it or not, so I just bought 3 sheets of it. I ended up using all of it plus the sheet of stickers I got at Hobby Lobby too. I got 3 layouts out of these 3 sheets, plus 2 cards, so not too bad. The store I bought it at didn't have the entire line, so I was limited to these 2 designs, but they are double sided, so that helps a bit. I love the wood grained paper. I also used my star punches and some older buttons and felt on this layout, as well as a journaling card by My Mind's eye I have had in my stash for a long time. The colors look much richer in real life, the green on my computer screen looks like kelly green, but in real life it is more of an olive green and meshed well with the lighter green of the leaf paper. This layout is based on Inspired Blueprints Sketch #3. This is a new blog, with just 4 sketches out so far, but I love all 4 of them. I plan on using #4 soon, as its a double page spread. You can click on the blinkie on my sidebar to go check them out. They have recently added a gallery and it is OOZING inspiration for those of you in need of a good healthy dose. Don't forget to check back tomorrow for Git 'R Done Wednesday, I have another cousins page to show you! I had a hard time getting pictures without shadows tonight of my 2 cards, so I will try and get them photographed in the day light hours tomorrow and upload them soon as well. Have a great night and hope this inspires you to dip into some of your older stash and try to use it all up! Good luck!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Princess Party
Well, as promised here is a picture of little Princess Katie on her first birthday and here is a picture of the card that I made for her to go with the Disney Princess chair that Jake and I got her for her first birthday. As you can see she is really enjoying her castle cake. Now, she didn't really enjoy the gifts as much but she did like her hat. I can't believe she left it on the entire time and didn't get a drop of frosting on it. She did like the sparkle of the sticker on this card and that's what I thought when I picked them up at the Target Dollar spot. I think it looks as if she is wearing some lipstick in this picture! But she is a super sweet little girl and we both love her to pieces!
Back to creating...don't forget the deadline is tomorrow for Valerie's sketch challenge over at Got Sketch? I'm started but not done, hope to finish tomorrow! Have a great rest of the weekend!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday's Featured Blogger & Happy Birthday Katie!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Blog Candy Alert!

It seems Alecia is giving away some FAB blog candy over on her blog, head on over and register for a chance to win these wonderful goodies! Oh, and she has some gorgeous layouts for you to check out too :o) So hop on over right away, don't want to miss the deadline, which is this Saturday! http://aleciac.blogspot.com/
It's family night here folks, so won't be doing much creating tonight, but remember to check back tomorrow for Friday's Featured Blogger!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Git 'R Done Wednesday the Shamu Edition!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Count your blessings!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Fun page, fun colors!

Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday's Featured Blogger!
WOW! Am I glad it's Friday or what? I have been struggling to get things done since the time has changed. It seems like it is starting to get dark when I am finishing up work, and that makes me SLEEPY...so if I sit down for even a moment, I am out like a light. I also stayed up late watching the election coverage on Tuesday night, so that may also be part of it. So I have been a bit of a slacker this week. But without further ado...I would like to introduce my featured blogger for today. Lynette is a member of Personalscrapper like me. I have enjoyed her blog for quite awhile now. I love her creative style, she always creates the best titles and word art on her pages. Plus, she does many double page spreads and fits SO many pictures on them, that it makes it look super easy. I love her funny and also inspirational messages too. She has some AWESOME pictures of her country (she is from South Africa), which is very beautiful, making me want to visit their someday to see it in real life! So hop on over to her blog and check out all her lovely creations! http://creativemoments-lynette.blogspot.com And thanks Lynette for letting me share your beautiful work with all my friends here at My Creative Endeavors! I hope to get some scrapbooking done this weekend, so keep checking back, I promise to get some of my creative juices flowing again real soon!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Did you vote?

I hope everyone voted today (or early) and made your voice heard. No matter who you voted for we are seeing history in the making right in our lifetime, exciting isn't it...you will probably tell your grandkids about it someday. Also, its good to take your kids with you to vote, so that they will have a respect for the process and become part of it proudly when they are old enough.
Now back onto scrapbooking....I don't have my usual Use your stash Tuesday project as we had a busy day today and I didn't get my page completed, but I should be able to share it with you tomorrow...but today I stumbled upon this:
Please read Stacy's post on how scrapbooking really does matter. It was an eye opener for me and I PROMISED I won't ever think about how bad my handwriting looks, or put off journaling til later. Because later may never come. So ladies, don't worry if your photo is "perfect" or your handwriting is "not very good" or if this paper "isn't the newest and best" ...JUST capture your feelings, that special moment and get it in YOUR SCRAPBOOKS NOW, not someday, not later, NOW. If you don't have time to scrapbook all 200 photos of Christmas 2007, then do a few and JOURNAL what you remember and what was SPECIAL about it now, before you forget, so your family will have those special memories of you and know how you felt about them and about life. I was so touched by this story and how this young man tore off the signature of his mother's check to keep, see handwriting is part of who you are, it is unique to you. OK...enough of my soapbox, I just hope you will be inspired by this young man as I was. So why not take time today to document this historical moment, your feelings, your hopes for your children's futures and what this day has meant to you. We are blessed to live in this great country . God bless America!
Monday, November 3, 2008
I'm hooked on challenges!

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Blog Candy Winner of our photo bracelet!

Here's what happens when you try to steal Ryan's candy! (see photo #1). We had fun trick or treating last night. And photos 2-4 show all 3 kids in their getups or lack of get ups in Jakob's case! Katie was more interested in eating leaves, grass and flowers then candy (at least it won't rot your teeth!) and Ryan had fun counting his candy and handing out candy to Granny & Pappa's trick or treaters. Jakob had fun checking out his Yugio cards from Granny & Pappa and he didn't even have to dress up to get his treat! Can't beat that! Now on to the blog candy give away........We have a winner............and it is ........Deanna! Thanks ladies for playing! I wish I could give all 3 of you a prize! Unfortunately I didn't have any takers for my sketch challenge, guess no one liked the sketch but me! HA! So Deanna, PM your addresss and I will get your beautiful bracelet out to you soon! I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to check out our wonderful sponsor Scrapbooks on the Go (http://scrapbooksonthego.com/) , their photo jewerly makes wonderful gifts for the upcoming holiday season. I know I have a necklace and a few bracelets and they always get comments when I am out and about! My final total for the LOAD contest at Personalscrapper was 18 pages, 6 cards and 2 altered projects. NOT to bad for a months worth of creating huh? I had hoped to complete all 31 days but I did 20 days and that is actually a record for me. Now that I am in the groove, I hope to continue that trend. I have lot of holiday projects in the works, and will share them when I can, but its hard when someone might just get a peek of their Christmas gift early! HA! Ok, enough ramblings, have a great weekend !
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween from Harry and the Firefighter!

Happy Halloween everyone! I had made it a goal to get last year's Halloween page done before this Halloween, and I made it with just 7 hours to spare! HA! Nothing like waiting until the last minute huh? This year Jakob is not dressing up, he is going to watch his cousins trick or treat, he is more into passing out the candy vs dressing up. He has never been one to dress up, he won't wear a mask for sure, and when he does dress up, it is for less than half an hour usually. So since he couldn't find a "cool" enough outfit to fit his new status as a "tween" he decided to forget dressing up. So, I will only scrap pics of my niece and nephew this year it looks like . Last year Jakob was Harry Potter but notice the glasses, he lost the real glasses that came with the costume so he had to go with these Groucho Marx glasses he got from a carnival along the way, and thus, no one recognized him as Harry Potter, much to his dismay. They kept thinking he was dressing as a graduate...but I might add these were an older crowd, who may not have been familiar with Harry Potter anyway! I love the letters I got for this page. They are from Making Memories. The paper is Stampin' Up and I love it! The colors are great! So have a safe and fun Halloween, don't eat to much candy and don't forget my drawing is tomorrow for the blog candy, so you still have time to submit those sketches! I am hoping to finish up one more layout for the LOAD contest tonight after trick or treating, and I will try and share that tomorrow as well!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
An Attitude of Gratitude Creates Blessings!

I love this saying and I think it is so so true, don't you? I recently bought a picture with this saying to put on my mantle during the fall/harvest season. I decided I liked the saying so much I would use it on a scrapbook page. I love how this page turned out. Of course we are coming upon the season of thankfulness and gratitude and Simple Scrapbooks had an excellent idea in its most recent issue (see the last page of November/December issue). The idea is to make a fast formula GRATITUDE album. You take a basic photo album with 4 x 6 sleeves and make 30 or 31 journaling cards and then each day of that month you write what you are thankful for! The best part of the deal is Simple Scrapbooks gives you the templates to create the title page and the journaling cards for your album! Just go to http://www.simplescrapbooksmag.com and click on free downloads and then download Cathy Zielske's template. I plan on doing this with my son each day in November. I think its a great idea, and will get us in the mood for the upcoming holidays. I'd love to hear what you are thankful for, please leave me a comment telling me what you are most thankful for at this moment. I am thankful that my Dad came through his surgery A-OK! He is doing better and hopes to be coming home from the hospital sometime this week. I may not be posting as much this week due to spending evening after work at the hospital, but we should be back to normal schedules next week. This layout did serve my other purpose for today: USE YOUR STASH TUESDAY...everything here is from my October 2007 PS kit EXCEPT the chipboard letters, brads and circle paper. I get so excited when I match some older paper with some newer paper! Hope all is well with you and your family, & I will catch up with you all real soon!
My first sketch and blog candy!


Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday's Featured Blogger

As you all know there are so many great and inspiring blogs out there. I have decided to share my fav and highlight where I get much inspiration from every Friday on my new Friday's Featured Blogger post! If you would like to be a featured blogger shoot me an email or leave me a comment with a link to your blog and I will get back with you regarding being featured on my blog! It's so fun to share, don't ya think? So without further ado...my first Friday's featured Blogger is AmyInky with her inspiring blog Memories by Amyinky. She makes such great layouts and can really make astounding pages from just scraps! One thing I learned from her blog is that you can alter any of your embellishments that don't fit in with your page...for example in on one of her pages she painted over the chipboard letters color to alter it to fit her page! Little things we don't sometimes think of. So go check out her blog, I know you'll love it too! My page I am sharing today was totally inspired by her layout you can find here: http://amyinky.blogspot.com/2008/10/croptoberfest-31-layout-challenge.html I have a few of these circle papers, and just totally LOVE the look, but have been intimidated to make a layout using them until I saw Amy's simple yet adorable layout and decided I could do the same. These papers are by Crate Paper called Lemongrass, simply perfect for your fall pics! You can get these in the October Personalscrapper kit! I hope you don't get tired of seeing buttons, cuz I am in LOVE with buttons lately...isn't it weird how we go through phases like that? OK, now for even more fun things...TOMORROW is the big reveal...but lets get started today working toward some fun blog candy, which is sponsored by Scrapbooks on the Go (my sis's company). There will be two ways to win an entry into the random drawing: #1 post a comment here telling me what your favorite product is from Scrapbooks On the Go..no fair saying everything...give me a specific item you have and love or would love to have LOL! If you haven't checked out their website, go here: http://www.scrapbooksonthego.com/. They have some AWESOME stuff that would make great Christmas gifts! That gets you ONE entry into my drawing, you have until Sunday October 26th at midnight CST to leave the comment. THEN tune in tomorrow for an actual picture of the blog candy, the BIG reveal, and another chance to get entered into the drawing! I will draw on Saturday Nov. 1st. See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Git 'R Done Wednesday ~ Disney Style

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